In the wake of the acknowledgment received in the last decade, service design is going to be confirmed as the crucial discipline of our times, thanks to an approach that has improved and evolved following the challenges and the needs of the economy and the society.

The last few years have challenged the world as never before, making us touch with our own hands what we previously had the chance to experience only through sci-fi movies; and disrupting, all of a sudden, our values, our habits, our vision of the future. But such turmoil has also proved that rapid, and sometimes even radical, innovation is possible, for both individuals and organizations. New standards of service are quickly taking over, paying attention to serious global-level problems, with more and more emphasis put on impacts they could generate on the planet in the long term.

In the wake of the acknowledgment received in the last decade, service design is going to be confirmed as the crucial discipline of our times, thanks to an approach that has improved and evolved following the challenges and the needs of the economy and the society. From design thinking to critical design, from a systemic to an ecosystemic perspective, from a human-centered point of view to behavioral transformation, a new service design era is arising, exploring new complexities and embedding into theory and practice further cross-disciplinary contaminations.

Students & Alumni

Different Countries

Master's Editions

110+ Teachers

30+ Partners

1.5k+ Workshops hours

Created ten years ago in response to the growing demand for professionals capable of handling the complexity of services, the Specializing Master in Service Design by - Politecnico di Milano is maintaining the pace with the evolution of the discipline.
Following the changes that invest in business and the society, the Master program, since its birth, is endowed with the mission of training professionals in the fascinating process of conceiving, developing, and delivering a service, fostering at the same time innovation culture, creative thinking, and cultural exchange.

Thanks to a proven and sound methodology that mixes theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences that are renovated every year, and that are enriched by always new lectures on topics at the forefront, each Master edition awards a new generation of designers that soon go feeding the ranks of renown design agencies, consultancies, companies, as well as public organizations and research centers.

A renewed programme

The Master is now starting its tenth edition with a renewed program that includes more than thirty learning modules, clustered into the following categories:

With an established method

The didactic path is composed by different kinds of learning modules:



Theoretical lessons aimed at providing the disciplinary background and introducing extra-disciplinary knowledge


Service Design Pills

Short design sessions aimed at putting into practice methods and tools on a simulated design challenge


Service Design Masterclasses

Advanced lectures provided by renown experts on cutting-edge topics emerging in the service design community


Service Design Workshops

Biweekly design labs that cover all the phases of the service design process, from research to prototyping, experimenting on a real brief proposed by a partner company



475 hours of training experience in a partner company or other companies suggested by participants

The Specializing Master programme grants 60 CFU (Formative University Credits) equivalent to 60 ECTS.

Master board






Coordinator &
external relations


Senior consultant



Master Service Design

Only 30 places are available.
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