The third edition is officially finished.

It has been a long and intense journey through the Service Design world, passing by the visitors analysis at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci and the explorations of new cashless systems. We deep analyzed the world of the donation developing new scenarios and concepts with ActionAid trying to identify ways to better and longer engaging new donors.
We explored the hospital environment, challenging ourselves with e-records and improvements for the hospital nurses leaded by the e-Services for Life and Health team from San Raffaele Hospital.
Than we moved, literally, we went in Trentino to discover their thermal-spas system and we developed some new concepts together with Trentinosviluppo.
Finally, Sun, opened us the doors of their super-markets letting us discover the "Consilia" brand for which we developed some new concepts and solutions to face the next years market.

After the internships the students have presented their own service design project in front of the Service Design Commission demonstrating all their skills, achievements and capabilities as service designers.

We want to really thanks all the Faculty Members and we want to wish good luck to all of the III Edition Students.

It's always sad when something finish, but the Service Design Master doesn't stop!

The IV Edition will start on the 10th of october, together with Deloitte Digital, Barilla, LeftLoft and ActionAid, new students and new future SERVICE DESIGNERS!

So, keep on following us through our website and our social profiles as well as keep spreading the #ServiceDesignCulture!!