Come enjoy an insightful design talk with Adriana Matiz, Master in Service Design Alumnus.

On the 28th February 2017 – from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm – at Polifactory there will be an open networking session following the talk where you can immerse yourself in “Service design for digital banking: from ideation to implementation at Intesa Sanpaolo”.

Adriana Matiz is a Service Designer at Intesa Sanpaolo’s Foreign Division. Currently she works on designing a blueprint for the digital experience of 4 subsidiary banks in east Europe and Egypt.

Adriana has a background on project management for innovation projects and international relations. She moved to Italy in 2014 to take part of the specializing Master in Service Design, and afterwards collaborated with The event is powered by the Specializing Masters in Service Design and Strategic Design, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Master Degree in Product Service System Design.

More info at: Alumni Design Talks