Bicla is a group of designers that met each other in Design Schooll. They are passionate about bycicles and this congregated them. Francisco Naranjo is the founder and the big boss ! Guillermo Muñoz is the Co-founder and advertising manager, Daniel Canales is the other Co-funder and product designer, Victoria Martínez is the product manager, and Alejando Vidal is the web designer.This 5 young designers have been pedalying a lot, in various Chilean cities, so they decided to make BICLA a fulltime dedication project, in order to make it grow and fullfill the needs of an expanding cycling community.

Thay now have a kickstarter project with comfortable urban bike bags, perfect urban bike bags, easy to install and use, which will stay with you all day, even when you are not riding your bike. If you want to support this interesting and innovative idea please visit their kickstarter profile:

For more info about this Design group visit: