Also this time students from the Master in Service Design were able to amaze their new client, Banca IFIS, with brand new concepts. Together with their teachers, Francesca Foglieni and Enrico Tedoldi, they imagined and designed innovative services within the metropolitan area. 

Students team work has been organized into two parts. During the first days they had the opportunity to deepen the given context through Field and Desk Research, firstly developing protocols and guidelines to set up the work. In the last three days they moved to the Concept Generation Phase, sharing ideas and reasoning on the best opportunities to explore. As final outputs they developed eight innovative concepts that Banca IFIS and the Director of the Master, Stefano Maffei, had the chance to appreciate during the final presentations. It seemed so incredible to their audience that they could reach such results after only six days of work!

This workshop is only a small part of a great project together with Banca IFIS. Are you ready to discover which will be the next steps? We will keep you updated!



“Projects like this give value to the bank, which has the opportunity to come into contact with new ideas, original and enriched by the absence of a filter.
We are sure the students of the Master in Service Design will amaze us with their work.”

Carmelo Carbotti, Head of Communication and Prospecting Banca IFIS