
The workshop aims to generating service ideas promoting the premiumness of Barilla products, with focus on pasta tomato sauces and their ingredients. The service ideas are concepts offering a new approach to products in different locations and moments of interaction with the users. Beginning from knowing about the products through purchase and use and generating new consumer experiences and touchpoints.


During the 3-week workshop, the students worked closely with the company and with the service design mentors to produce 4 projects unfolding the idea of premiumness. The goal of this workshop was to take upon a service design process from beginning to the end. The topic of food and specific product related services have been explored while practicing.

During the research phase, students got to know the company, the products, the existing services and the related distribution channels. The desk research amplified then the amount of information and the knowledge about products, related interactions and competitors' approach.

Insights and opportunities areas found during the research have been then used to develop innovative service concepts.

 In order to better explain and develop their service ideas, students have been asked prototype and test their concepts using different tecniques.