Last Wednesday we were so glad to host Andy Polaine, Group Design Director of Fjord Client Evolution. The students of the Master in Service Design attended an evocative Masterclass on Circular Economy.

What Circular Economy is and how can it affect the way in which we design services?

Social tensions and the rise of populism are symptoms of a urgent need of changing the economic model. In fact in our society tech changes very fast, people don’t. During this Masterclass students explored which are the elements that describe Circular Economy, assuming collaboration as the foundation element to developing new circular economy opportunities. They firstly started from themselves answering to an easy question: “which is my guilty secret?”. They then discussed on how to apply these elements designing a new service, taking a step back also to the services they have already designed during their Master programme.

This has been a great chance for the students to explore how to use resources and design new services for a better future.