Do you want to spend an amazing week next summer?

The Domaine de Boisbuchet is the right place to do it. You will be immersed in both the French countryside as well as the world of design.

Alexander von Vegesack, the founder of the Vitra Design Museum, established the program at Boisbuchet.

Each summer a group of world-renowned designers, architects, and artists come together to teach a series of workshops focusing on everything from working with porcelain to constructing installations in the landscape to textile design to entrepreneurship.

For four months, participants from around the world arrive every week for the unique experience of a workshop at Boisbuchet, they will be involved in practical activities experimenting with tools, materials and technologies.

The daily schedule of exploration is complemented by talks on design theory and presentations by course leaders in the evenings. Each day ends in a convivial atmosphere with shared meals around long dining tables while the courses conclude with the presentation of models and proposals, sometimes leading to construction or production in industry.

Boisbuchet is also known as an Architectural Park, in fact the 150-hectare estate with its lake, river and woodland are the setting for a lot of traditional, experimental and international buildings and structures, designed by different architects as Shigeru Ban, Simón Vélez , Brückner & Brückner and Campana Brothers.

The non-profit organization CIRECA co-ordinates all cultural activities including education, exhibitions, events, guided tour and publications and since 2011, Boisbuchet has been designated by the French government as a “pole d’excellence rurale”, indicating its notable role as a non-urban center of excellence for culture and education.

I personally experience different workshops in Domaine de Boisbuchet, the first in 2012 with the designer Sigga Heimis. I was so satisfied about the whole experience, that i decided to work there as staff member in the summer of 2013 and 2014 for 5 weeks.

Every summer was a memorable experience: you can have the opportunity to live far away from the demands and pressures of daily life, enjoying living and working with fellow colleagues and experts from a wide range of disciplines, you will met amazing people and enrich your culture.

I strongly recommend this experience to anyone who went to design school and are nostalgic to go back or just want to jumpstart his creativity.

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