First of all, which image is the most impressive thing in our memory? To have an unforgettable journey? To watch a memorable movie? To overcome a special thing’s difficulties? To throughout an unprecedented unique experience?

In fact, the most impressive experience to be able to move people, to sum up; In order to bring our own rewarding thing to overcome the difficulties and solve the problems; To touch the soul of our story; To experience the unique, wonderful experience that we never encountered before; A special experience, to bring special memories. Throughout this process, what is the core of user’s attention that they cannot let go?  To cut it short: the link between users and products’ emotional relationship.

How to bridge an emotional relationship to link the customer and product?

1 To solve the pain point;

The key of solving the pain points is: time saving and efficiency. For example, when we were children, some students may have never seen the CD player? The earliest songs are used in the old-fashioned recorded player (Gramophone), we need to place in our home machine and record labels to play the sweet music. Since the emergence of VCD and tape completely changed the scene and efficiency, one can quickly hear the song anywhere. But the arrival of the digital age, Because of the MP3 widespread, the record, VCD, tape, they almost fade away in our normal life, and now, only high-end villas, restaurant or club will have a record player. For the fact that efficient and time saving, in the same capacity, we can store more music and listen massive song. Therefore, the old product is not to be replaced is impossible.

From another perspective, is the Internet product has been very efficient? Actually, not, for instance, we use QQ, then we still need to register in order to use, after years of development, the registration of QQ process also from complex to simple, still, we need to register before we use the account, this is the threshold. Thus, we need to focus on how to allow users to quick and convenient to use our products.

2 emotional mapping, filmmaking;

We know MiNicooper popular all over the world, from the result of operation for the branding is certainly worth to learn, but also we observe all the design of this car, through the outside and interior design all reflect its fashion, cute, sophisticated, fun, and unique characters. Whole impression of car interior design is rounding, coherent with its image and characteristics. For another example, to use the QQ couple, we use the concept of a warm roof to build nest couple with the live between us to save stationery bit between couples memories, there are the point to impress users.

3 An unique experience;

How do we achieve an unique experience? The Google Glassm gives us another special experience of the product; it uses a new way to show us how to use the glasses to integrate digital and real life experience, to help customer better insight the world around.

Although we have too many look-ahead products, however under this high technical age, we can still think foreword, some interesting ideas will bring us some new experience.