Yesterday, I had a course called “EVERYBODY IS A DESIGNER’. The class was been divided into two parts; in the morning, we had more theoretical material and more focus on gaining knowledge about the social innovation and entrepreneurship. In the afternoon, we learned more real conversations normally happen in real workshop and useful tools to know how to make conclusion when the process get stocked. Let is it was about Design Thinking. The design process has the power to stimulate people in believing in their creative and strategic potential; the designer has to facilitate the conversation and the action of listening among the different stakeholders involved in the project, he has to support them in finding inspiration in those conversations and help them to recognize their ability to change and improve things around them. Design Thinking and service design offer fundamental tools to stimulate people to find innovative solutions to their problems and needs, to encourage social innovation and to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial initiatives even in disadvantageous contexts.

What impressed me the most was the point that about the ‘ Why the Lean Start-up changes everything’. The professor Steve Blank writes this material. During the class, the teacher gave us this copy to us. The essential point should know from this material, the paper described that Instead of executing business plans, operating in stealth mode, and releasing fully functional prototypes, young ventures are testing hypotheses, gathering early and frequent customer feedback, and showing” minimum viable products” to prospects. Besides, rather than writing an intricate business plan, founders summarize their hypotheses in a framework called “business model canvas”. Originally, this is a diagram of how a Company creates value for itself and its customers. What is more, according to my teacher’s working experiences before, when she was facing someone’s question, such as “ why we were working as a team, and I hold an intelligent concept, team numbers finally not taken my bright idea?”  I think this is a common question that when we are working as a team, how can we integrate with our idea, how to make a compromise, how to unify our design orientation? These types of problems are so common. Remembering the teacher’s answer, sometimes, when we get a good idea put on our pocket at first, once there are three ideas at least come up with our mind, then, to talk about them, to show them, and to share them. Because when we have more then idea, we can make a comparison, comparing with the different idea, we could easy to understand which think is better, which one is viable and agile. It does not mean that when we just come up with one idea, this simple idea could not be important or insignificant. Throughout the user experience, every tiny aspects of the customer journey could be a fatal point to contribute client happiness.

Still, for what I obtained about the importance of “business canvas”, definitely, it is not the essential part for us to follow its rules of steps or its elements before we set up our business, however, the canvas offers us with a brief overview of all nine building blocks of our business on one page. Each component of the business model contains a serious of hypotheses that we need to test. In combination with other business trend, it could easy for us to ignite a new entrepreneurial economy. Anyway, these kinds of theories are very important for me as a design model coordinate.