Today we reached the end of classes for this academic year, and what an end! Two amazing weeks of workshop with Maersk on how to improve their digital-focused logistics service Twill – you can read about the brief's details in our previous article. This afternoon the four different teams presented the final ideas to the Maersk committee and received praise for the dedication, detail and vision they put in their work. The presented results have the potential to inspire the further development of Twill and all the students should feel proud about this achievement.

From the Master Board side we definitely felt that way, also considering the progress made by each student in the short span of time of the Master's duration. It was a journey full of hard work, setbacks, joys and surprise, and there couldn't have been a better way to crown the gradual but constant improvement made by the class over the course of the year. We want to thank the students for keeping the energies high also during this unexpected remote teaching period and the Maersk team for their competence, availability and enthusiasm in supporting the work done. Now it is time to celebrate, farewell!