Yesterday ended the two-week workshop in partnership with Lendlease, which aim was the investigation and the organization of the MIND-area’s service system. The students focused on the exploration, the organization, and the visualization of the Service Map, trying to face the challenge posed by the client. During the two weeks of workshop, the teams dealt with the main design process' phases, from the desk to the field research, from the ideation to the prototyping, until the visualization and the final presentation.

The class worked as a design studio facing all together with the same topic, but each team reflected on one out of four different sub-topics for what concerns the generations of service solutions:

Team 1 worked on the service platform topic and designed MINDful: an event management platform that offers event creation, publishing, and booking capabilities.

Team 2 worked on the knowledge sharing topic and designed MIND Innovation LAB: a combination of a digital and physical network that offers internal and external stakeholders ways to find new collaboration opportunities, share and contribute to projects, and spark new ideas to foster and take advantage of the collective knowledge MIND organizations possess in a cross-industry environment.

Team 3 worked on the welfare & wellbeing topic and designed EMMA: a service that represents holistic wellness for the whole community, providing activities (EMMAs) related to environmental, meaningful, mindful, and active dimensions of wellbeing.

Team 4 worked on the personal services topic and designed meta@MIND: a service that supports MIND tenants to showcase their company's results in compelling ways by connecting them to Italian creatives able to visualize tenants' work through interactive and creative mediums.

Moreover, the online team (Team 5) monitored the entire process and criticized the main elements of the other students' works, producing and delivering to the client a detailed logbook of the workshop.

The journey has been intense and very gratifying. For the final presentation, the class set up an exhibition of the prototypes of the ideas developed mixing moments of pitch and interaction with the client. We're happy and proud about the results and the client's enthusiasm for participating in this experience.