Last Friday was a special day for the students of the VIII edition or, let's say, our new alumni! The graduation day marked the official end of the 2020/22 Edition of the Specializing Master in Service Design by – Politecnico di Milano.

The Master Board really thanks students for the work done during the whole path, and for the resilience they demonstrated facing the difficult situation we all had to cope with during the last two years. We hope that it was for them a great opportunity for professional and personal growth.

After all the preparatory activities, lessons, pills, masterclasses, workshops, and internships, they now have the theoretical and practical background to manage the complexity of the whole design process, from the early stages of research to the implementation of final solutions, dealing with the physical and virtual aspects that build the service experience, and, in the end, to join the Service Design community all over the world. We wish them good luck in their professional journey and career. See you very soon!