Here we are at the end of the great journey of the VI Edition of the Specializing Master in Service Design by – Politecnico di Milano. Yesterday 19 former students from the last edition of the Master officially became Service Designers. It has been an intense path to the graduation day, that both required much effort and brought great accomplishment for each of us.

The Master Board really thanks students for the work done during the whole year, hoping that it was for them a great opportunity of professional and personal growth. We hope that joining the Service Design community of Milan has been an important chance to experience many service-focused activities that the well-established urban ecosystem is providing.

The alumni of the VI edition of the Master had the opportunity to approach the design complexity through both theory and practice, within an always evolving teaching programme, made of strong collaborations with partners, service design expert contributions and extra curricula activities, with the aim of strengthening their competences while approaching the design process.

After a year of hard work and international internship work experiences, the new professionals Service Designers are ready to manage the complexity of the whole design process from the early stages of research to the implementation of final solutions, dealing with the physical and virtual aspects that build the service experience.