On May 9th we had the pleasure to welcome more than 150 service design enthusiasts to our event INTANGIBLE.

Intangible aimed to exhibit the value of service design as an important new component of the service sectors, as well as a new and exciting career prospect. Itangible was targeted to students and professionals  looking for new growth opportunities and  students in the fields of design, social science and marketing.

The event is organized by the students of the first edition of the masters with the support of the masters board and Polidesign. It is not only part of the holistic approach in the formation of the students, but it’s also a way to actively involve them in the world of service design, and to participate in the issues that are shaping the discipline in Italy and in the world.

The students arranged for three key note speakers that told their experiences from three very different areas.

Andrea Cattabriga is an Italian designer and founder of Slowd, a platform that connects designers with local artisans. Andrea kindly shared his experience as an entrepreneur in the service design field. He explained how the idea was born, what were the first steps, the difficulties encountered and the success obtained through the evolution process of the company.

Pia Drechsel and Bianca Bender, cofounders of Design Research company, shared with the audience how They collect user insights through empathic user research, and how it leads to a deep dive into consumer worlds.

Finally from brasil, Paulo Melo explored the role designers as changing elements for new business models, as well as the role of services in our society as a system and the application of design to change the service delivery.

We had the fortune to have the support of Valcucine, that provided and incredible space, and 32 Via dei Birrai and Zero Briciole, responsible for an incredible aperitivo, that was offered to our guests later.

On Friday we did not only see design students, and young professionals of the discipline. We also saw experienced professionals coming from different fields interested in understanding the benefits and competitive advantages service design could bring to their businesses.

We look forward to the following events and to welcome again all of those who attended.


