After a look at the dictionary, we read:
Internet of Things – a proposed development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data”. The phenomena is increasing constantly: in 2009 the connected tools were, today are and in 2020 they will be up to
We are vastly moving forward what Padmasree Warrior , Chief Technology & Strategy Officer di Cisco, described as Internet of Everything: not only objects connected to Internet, but the creation of a network between people, processes, data and objects. 

The domestic environment is the ideal place to develop the Internet of Things. Laundry machines, heating system controlled by the mobile phone, etc.. are only few of the examples of the nowadays offer. We are going to wear internet, on our feet, on our wrist, not only in our pocket. The smartphone will be the data collector for our health and well-being. The technology will support good ideas. Every time we visit a website we communicate informations about our tastes and interests, our research, our purchase. Our position is also available all the time. Our data are the most precious resources and too often we forgot that it’s possible to monetize.
Hackering would be easier and safety measures will need to be considered to safe our devices and data. But there’s also a positive side of the phenomena: the Internet of Things could save lots of lives as well, because of shorter times of reaction.

Carlos Elena-Lenz writes on DesignMind of December 16, 2013
While working on these projects, six key characteristics surfaced that make products inherently IoT. Each characteristic encompasses of a set of capabilities that can be dialed up or down (…)

These six key characteristics are the following:

  • Intelligence. It’s what makes a product, smart. The cluster of software and hardware that provides that “intelligent spark”.
  • Connectivity. It’s more than a Wifi module, it enables network accessibility and compatibility.
  • Sensing. It’s the technology that allows us to experience the true awareness of the physical world and the people in it.
  • Expressing. It allows the interaction between people and the physical world.
  • Energy. It brings products to life, but we they can’t all run on batteries. Power efficiency and charging infrastructure are necessary parts a power intelligent ecosystem that we must design.
  • Safety. It’s not just about the use of a product, but it’s also about our personal data and physical well-being. It’s about creating a security paradigm that must be crated.


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