Despite the pandemic required us to reframe some of the Master activities, we managed to conclude this year classes with a great workshop! But this was not the last event for our students. This week we announced and started a new exciting collaboration that is going to open up new scenarios for the Master programme and for the service design community as a whole (yes, we are ambitious!). We are talking about our joint initiative with Oblo on the Service Design Tools (SDT) platform.
Founded 10 years ago by Roberta Tassi, founder and Design Lead of Oblo, SDT represented for years an important point of reference for service designers, especially students and newbies. Last year it was completely renovated in its visual aspect, and the renovation represented a good occasion for the Master Board to start talking with the Oblo team on how to evolve the platform and its contents, according to the transformations service design underwent in the last few years.

These conversations finally turned into something concrete thanks to the involvement of the Master Board in the scientific and executive team of SDT, and of a group of our students as intern researchers. In the next three months they will actively participate in research and editorial activities, bringing tons of fresh contents to the platform, as well as investigating new topics and perspectives for service design. This will represent only the first step of this collaboration, we are already working with Oblo to envision the next steps and make our contribution even more remarkable.
Thanks to the mix of Oblo design power, the Board expertise and vision, and the commitment of our students (from this edition and those to come) we are sure that SDT could become even more a key reference for the community, also enlarging its scope to practitioners and professionals from other fields.