Communication is one of the most important skills in today's world. Being able to speak in public and properly communicate something is a core ability also for service designers. Thanks to Alberto Castelvecchi, international trainer on this topic, our students learned how to communicate with ease on any occasion and to handle their body language as well. From now on, they will also be able to rapidly solve any problem of content management, produce effective speeches and impactful performance, experience a great deal of interactive and lively situations so that they will get a better sense of preparedness.
The module focused on the communication's mantra of "authenticity and simplicity" in personal communication. When it comes to public speaking, there are several drivers and skills we can improve to give a beautiful speech: message and structure of the speech, tone of voice, posture and body movements, rhythm, and so on. When presenting a project or holding a lecture, we have to keep in mind that our presentation is not the slides, are we presenting them. All this needs a lot of practice starting from a theoretical background. Through easy and gradual exercises, during this module students enjoyed a positive stream of emotions and a sense of comfort as the keys to start practicing and acquiring new communication skills.
The module also faced the very contemporary topic of online communication, which shares some aspects with the physical one, but also has its peculiarity. That's because presentations and discussions are context-dependent: it changes a lot talking to a present audience and your laptop's screen. In the end, students learned the basics to master non-verbal body language, structure a clear speech, and prepare supporting materials for public presentations. They'll keep exercising for the whole Master didactics since all modules will require some kind of presentation of the outputs.