This weekend is the Global Service Design Jam, where over 120 locations from all over the world are going to partcipate in a crazy weekend, of protoyping, ideation and fun! This year I had the please of co-organizing the event in Palermo, Italy ( ), alongside an amazing group of local hosts, Mazia Arico (Business Design from Live|Work, based in Oslo ), Domenico Schillaci (Co-Founder of a civic startup in Palermo called PUSH.), and Francesco Carollo ( Design Innovation Consultant based in London).

This weekend, I will be live blogging, talking about the event as it happens, giving you guys an inside view of how a Jam works. Currently we are in the pre-jam organiztion phase, working within Push. offices on the last minute details before the jam. We were able to secure a beautiful location for the jam within a Reunion hall of a historic church in Palermo, next to the famous Ballaro Market.  Tonight the Jam kicks off, with the release of the secret theme video and some fun idea brainstorming activities!