Pau Garcia, expert in new media technology and data languages, and founding partner of Domestic Data Streamers, held yesterday the second of five Service Design Masterclasses, a special format of the Master in Service Design that aims at investigating cutting-edge topics connected to the world of Service Design.

The Masterclass was aimed to explore the importance of data in the understanding of our contemporary society, the relationship between reality and perception, and the key role of the emotional human reality. How can we use data to better understand the world? How can we humanize the cold world of data? How can design help to humanize data and let society be aware of itself and the surrounding environment? These are the main questions that Pau managed to answer during his lecture. Showing many powerful examples and projects, he explained us what Domestic Data Streamers do: 'We tell stories and we use data to do that'. Let's deepen.

One of the most important concept to focus on the data-human relation is empathy. 'The world cannot be understood without numbers, but it will not be understood with numbers alone'. That's why we need to face the reality of data from the human perspective. And that's why design plays a key role in fostering the next data language revolution. Through some of the core abilities of design, such as creating metaphors and storytelling, to put things into perspective, and empathize with humans, we can use data as the raw material of the information, but not the final product. That's a core example of what 'Design does'.

The revolution is just at its beginning, and design is one of the most important tools we have to build empathy into numbers and interaction dialogues, to change and humanize the perception of data itself and the entire world, by designing with other senses others than sight.

'Data is transcending but not by itself': let's work together.

Want to take part in further discussions? Don't miss the chance and discover the next Masterclasses.