The Master in Service Design has completed the first quarter of the academic year.

Ten students (take a look at their profile) have worked as a real service design studio, mixing theoretical classes, workshops, jam sessions and design pills. The class has been supported by the Master Board together with the Master Faculty:

  • service design firms (Frog, Sketchin),
  • professionals (Torti, Di Maria, Arena, Cattaneo, Giusti, Genco),
  • Ph.D. (Mattana)
  • professors & design theorists (Villari, Manzini, Morelli, Holmild).

Thanks to the MSD’s partners (Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, ActionAid, Gelato University Carpigiani) the class worked in a professional environment with real projects, constraints, technologies and, of course, deliveries.

But as we said at the beginning, this was just the first quarter. From the beginning of 2015, the class will be back in New awesome partners will challenge the MSD class and the latter will still be supported by international guest professors and design studios.

Stay tuned (we like Facebook and Twitter a lot!) and happy new year!