Last week the fifth Edition of the Master officially ended with the announcement of the new 20 Service Designers made in – Politecnico di Milano.

One year has quickly passed. The experience lived together made all of us humanly and professionally grow. After the internship experience the students, many of them already experienced professionals, showed great ability in managing the design of a complex service. Through their final project work, they showed their skills from service evaluation to research and the analysis of opportunities.

At the end of this journey we want to thank all the international professors and professionals who inspired the students by opening new perspectives. We want to remember some of the experiences they shared with students, like Design Futures lecture by Guy Julier and Service Innovation lecture by Stefan Moritz. Belina Raffy held an exciting lecture on techniques useful to facilitate workshops and to keep a creative environment in team work.

The adventure began one year ago with a very tasty job. With professors Valentina D’Addato and Chiara Torti we were at Eataly, the Italian excellence food market. It has been an intense and exciting week, dealing with the study of behavioral patterns of the various customers. We were guests of Iren, a large multi-service company, in its futuristic incinerator power plant. Here, thanks to the strong involvement of all the employees and the expert guide of Alessandro Confalonieri, students were able to carry out projects of a high professional level.

Together with NovaCoop, guided by Liat Rogel and Chiara Gambarana, we developed a relational design projects to enhance the role of supermarkets in small urban centers, transforming them into reference points for communities.

Finally, Capgemini helped us in the development of projects with a high rate of innovation for fascinating fashion and luxury industries. Guided by Roberta Tassi the students implemented realistic solutions for quality certification systems by using blockchain and VR to study alternative furnishing solutions.

Each student found in Service Design a new approach to deal with complexity.

We would like to thank all the members of the Faculty for their dedication and the master board for the organization of this edition of the master. Good luck to the future Service Designers of the VI edition. Enjoy your journey!

The fifth edition Master course tutor

Giovanni Roccabianca