What a great day today! The students presented their service concepts to our partner IREN.
The workshop aim was about extending the access to the internal application by the users, in particular through the smartphones.

After visiting and interviewing some IREN's workers, both operators, managers and office employees, the students focused on five different operating fields, such as: reduction of process bottlenecks, provide personal growth opportunities, build trust & mutual respect and enable physical and mental support during daily work.

The students presented the results of their research and design process steps, starting from:

· User research and interviews;
· Definition of personas and archetypes;
· Definition of the user journeys;
· Insights collection;
· Benchmarks and best practice.

At the end of this process the groups produced five different service concepts.

Concept 1: IREN-E
A voice controlled smart personal assistant for every IREN's employee that provides access to personal info: as salary and leave left, Guidance & Recommendation, Problem-solving, Personal interest, Audio and work related courses.

A peer-to-peer knowledge sharing platform that connects diverse team members through gamification, sharing informal tips that support the workplace.

Concept 3: IREN+
A tool which facilitates employees reporting their everyday problems, come up with ideas, and ask for help.

Concept 4: IRENMAN
A digital tool designed to help employees monitor and optimize their physical and mental health.

Concept 5: COLLAB-IREN
A participatory reporting platform that facilitates task and issue management in a real time digitized manner.
Enables collaborative reporting and problem solving enhancing proactivity, motivation and human interaction.

We are really proud and thankful to DOING's team, in particular toAlessandro Confalonieri, Chiara Monteleone and Laura Trivilino, that greatly leaded this workshop.