School will never be the same again.

Oilproject is an online community that offers a new way of learning. You can study online on the platform every kind of subject through video-lessons, texts and exercises.

It’s not just a one-way learning, but you can also interact with the community and your friends thanks to a system of points where the more you learn or ask, the more you get credibility inside the platform. Students but also teachers are part of the community in order to enhance an innovative way of digital learning, in fact from 2013 the platform started a collaboration with the teachers’s association Impara Digitale.

There isn’t a clear distinction between who teaches and who learns, they can have from 14 to 75 years old, and they can share any kind of knowledge, after a validation from the staff.

Oilproject started in 2004 from the idea of Marco de Rossi of making innovation in the field of education.

Today it is the most-watched online learning platform in Italy, with over 5,000 content organized in 124 quality courses and more than one million users in the last year.

From march 2014 Oilproject has introduced new feature like the personal dashboard,  a virtual bulletin board that collects statistics on the numbers and their learning history, an example on data driven learning.

Oilproject is the example of how technology can help new generations to create more contents and to be a positive tools to innovate instead of  being used passively to play or just “be connect”.

A challenge of knowledge open to all, where you win just by participating in “Free to learn, free to teach,” as pointed out by the motto of Oilproject.

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