Recently I saw a speech by Jan Chipchase who specialized in User Anthropology. This video inspired me for the fact that the design of those products and services are depending on the people’s thinking.

Before we decide to go outside, what do you want to carry on? If you think anything you owned in your life, what do we carry? Walking out the door, what do we carry? That stuff that we carry is what we use. Crossing the various cultures, the different gender, the complex context, It turns out that the key, the money, of course, also the personal phone. These are the priority top three stuffs that we choose to take before we go outside. Why was that? We take the key, because we can go back to apartment; we put some money on our pocket, we can afford the food or something else; we carry the phone, because we want to call our circle. Conscious and subconscious decision process implies that the stuff that we do take with us and end up using has some kind of spiritual emotional or functional value.

The research helps me rethink what we have done before at Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, could suggest a better way. We was researching for the customers’ behavior, how to provide them with the best service, how to create the connection bridge to educate the visitor from the object, how to service them with the most simplest way? People are willing to pay for stuff that has value, right? Obviously, we found out the touchpoint, the process of visitor journey, also, we suggest some stronger opinions for the museum. To combine with the museum’s colleagues’ perspective and our outcome, the service design for customer is not easy to define, many factors involve the situation of user working flow.

From my point of this, we should learn to recognize and analyze the nature of the complex problem for the way we design products. Also for service design.