We’re very proud to announce our new premium partnership with Lendlease.

Lendlease is a globally integrated real estate and investment group with core expertise in shaping cities and creating strong and connected communities. The company has been entrusted with many projects of public, cultural and social significance: constructing the Sydney Opera House, creating the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York, and restoring and renovating historic buildings such as London’s Tate Britain and National Theatre.

Lendlease is also one of the stakeholders of the MIND project. MIND – Milano Innovation District – aims to capitalize on the success of Expo 2015 and place Milan on the map of the world’s gateway cities, leveraging on the local excellences in life sciences. The project’s goal is to enhance the quality of people’s life and promote the country’s sustainable economic development and international growth, through an infrastructural platform which will enable scientific, economic and social innovation.

The strategic partnership between Lendlease and the Specializing Master in Service Design will be focused on the investigation and the organisation of the MIND-area’s service system. Different stakeholders and users categories, with their different needs and privileges, will co-create and use the same system. The student’s brief will focus on the exploration, the organisation, and the visualisation of the Service Map. Those services will be connected with the communication system and will be integrated with the physical space.