We’re very happy to announce our new premium partner: OpenZone by Zambon.

OpenZone is the scientific campus dedicated to Health on the doorstep of Milano, created by the chemical-pharmaceutical company Zambon to consolidate its way of thinking and experiencing research. Conceived to build bridges between different competencies, languages, and worlds, it is a place where research is transformed into enterprise: “We uniquely create value in Healthcare, by fostering community, competencies and capital”.

Today OpenZone is home to 29 organizations including some of the foremost biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical SMEs and advanced gene therapy companies, all with a strong penchant for research and innovation, with qualified and internationally recognized competencies.

It has 16,500 sqm of offices, 10,500 sqm of laboratories (1,600 sqm of which Good Manufacturing Practices) and offers a wide range of services. Work is underway to expand the campus, that will grow in size by 2022 to a total area of 37,000 sqm providing space for up to 1,200 people.

Thanks to this collaboration, our students will experience the service design process, from research to prototyping, in a two-weeks workshop.