As part of our cooperation with leading companies in Italy, we developed a workshop to envision the services of the gas station of the future. For over three weeks our students worked to develop innovative services that could answer to different needs beyond the traditional gas services. The hard worked payed off, and three services were presented to the Energy Group, part of the CCPL group,  who remained greatly impressed. Hence, we were kindly invited by the CCPL group to visit them in Reggio Emilia to present our three services to a large group of their staff.

On Friday, we arrived with the Masters Board, to Reggio Emilia, where Energy Group had arranged for a great presentation space. After presenting we were able to get some feedback form the team.

The Master is committed to creating a strong bond with companies in oder to provide students with a real life environment to develop services and understand how they can be implemented. Not only is this happening but also we are getting quite high levels of company engagement, proving that services are a road leading to innovation, but also, that our students are creating and designing services up to highest standards.

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