Today started the rapid prototyping module by Marc Fortuny.

In this Pill, our students will go deep in what it means the why, and the how, providing an overview about existing prototyping techniques (e.g. desktop walkthrough, experience prototyping, role-playing, etc) typically adopted by service designers, and testing them along the 3 days, and understanding as well what does it mean to take a project from the idea to the pre-implementation phase, using the prototyping framework and walking through the theory with a hands-on approach.

During the Pill, Marc will explain the importance of prototyping a service, mixing theoretical lessons with practical activities. He will answer basics questions like "What is a prototype?", "Why prototype?", "What can we prototype?", advancing the module up to live prototyping, video prototyping, and tools guide.

At the end of these three days, our students will have the basic knowledge of rapid prototyping methods and tools, thanks to an overview of examples showing the application of them. They will also master the capacity to identify the most suitable method or tool concerning the situation to be prototyped and resources available, as well as the capacity to apply the tools experiment in class and to understand what an iteration is and how to plan it. The aim is to create the most appropriate prototype and to evaluate and prioritize the prototyping iterations results and take conscious decisions during all the process making the service design project evolve through prototyping.

Let's start prototyping!