Last friday, our students presented their concepts to Sisal, as a result of five days of research, definition, and refinement. The most crucial part of their work was to well understand the topic and to tackle it with the right sensitivity and responsibility it needs: we think they reached this goal brilliantly.

They developed ideas targeted to new users approaching the digital channels of Sisal and willing to play: bets, casinò, lottery, and poker. Every team worked on just one of these products, in their digital versions. The areas of interest of their concepts were the education and development of consciousness for healthy gaming behaviors, recognition, and prevention of dangerous behaviors or habits. To do so, they needed to understand the context with research, looking for interesting case studies, exploring social media, forums, and online communities through netnography. They also interviewed "product experts" from Sisal and volunteers. Starting from their findings, they created proto-personas and then they generated and developed service concepts capable of effectively tackling the design challenge each team defined during the days of the workshop.

Each team had to work on a different Sisal product, and each team also worked on different topics and approaches to define its solution. One team worked on the platform onboarding as a kind of self-profiling set of "safe goals". This lets new users self-determine their constraints to be followed during the whole experience of playing leveraging on one's purposes and self-promises. Another idea that emerged from a team is a tutorial to teach new users how to play, both about the different games' rules and, most importantly, healthy gaming, i. e. how to get aware of the dynamics and so avoid risky behaviors. A team dealing with lottery proposed a new digital feature, a kind of calendar, a safe-gaming schedule defined by the users. This could help a lot in reducing compulsive gaming leveraging on a common inclination to be superstitious, keeping people away from playing too much or too hard. A community-oriented approach has been explored by another team, whose idea is to create a "squad" composed of facilitators, expert players, and new users in which anyone can help others to play better and safer. This concept revolves around the well-described risks of "playing alone". Every team addressed the brief with consciousness, creativity, and maturity. That's what Sisal appreciated most.

We're very happy about the outputs of our students and also for Sisal's feedback.