The 5th Edition of the Master in Service Design has finally started!
During the first week students met amazing teachers and experienced great lectures on the service design basics.

Nicola Morelli, Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark, introduced the students to the service design approach, exploring key concepts useful to interpret and frame the activity of service designers and the process of designing services.

Successively, the Master proudly hosted for the first time Stefan Moritz, pioneer of the discipline and one of the most prominent figures in the service design community, currently Vice President Customer Experience and Director of Service Design at Veryday, a Swedish design agency.
The course gave students insights on how to leverage design to deliver service innovation.
The students had an overview and examples of different value creation opportunities envisioning the future of the service sector.

After these theory classes, students had the opportunity to explore and work with Service Design Tools. Antonio Starnino, former Master student and now service design consultant and lecturer across Europe, provided a practical introduction to the main tools and methodologies used in service design practice.