Hong Kong – Here’s a shocking fact: the amount of wrapping paper used in Hong Kong during Chinese New Year results in as many as 1,600 trees being cut down, and 170,000 litres of petrol burned. To put that in context, the height of all those trees put together would stretch from the Earth to an altitude 3 times that which a commercial airplane flies at.


So Sun Hung Kai’s (SHK) East Point City decided to make an environmentally-friendly difference this year with The Instant Newspaper Recycler. The campaign was created and executed by Saatchi & Saatchi Hong Kong.


Standing at 2.4m tall, this magical machine is extremely easy to use: pop in the old newspapers, wait 30 seconds, and receive new sheets of wrapping paper!  Upon closer inspection you’ll realize something amazing: the beautiful red prints are actually printed using silkscreen techniques on top of the old newspapers, giving each piece a unique design.  At the same time, the prints also highlight the importance of going green, with recycling icons used in each design.



Three limited edition prints were offered from the machine over the weekend of 25-26th January 2014 at SHK’s East Point City, giving consumers lots of fun from interacting with the machine. People patiently lined up with their old newspapers to discover how fun instant recycling could be.

The overall feedback from consumers was overwhelmingly positive, with many stating they enjoyed the surprising experience and thought it was a really good concept that encouraged many to recycle and to reuse their old newspapers.

Mr. Eric Lau, the Assistant General Manager (Promotions) of SHK, said:  “We’re always very highly committed to saving the environment whenever we can. Especially during the festive season, there’s a lot of wastage. We’re very happy with this creative execution from Saatchi, and we hope to remind people of the importance of recycling.”

Saatchi & Saatchi South China Managing Director Alexis Chiu also added:  “This project is very close to our hearts because we’re really passionate about environmental issues here, and it’s a good demonstration of how we can use our creative talents to find solutions to make Hong Kong a greener, happier place for all.”

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