World exposition is considered one of the world’s largest public exhibition at which international participants are gathered to show their visions through creativity and design. Expo Milano 2015 is the latest world exposition hosted by the city of Milan which takes place during the beginning of May and lasted till the end of October 2015. One of the challenges that the organiser of the exposition must confront is how to generate a proper and high efficient system in order to serve millions of worldwide audiences that will attend the exposition.

Accenture, the Official Global System Integration Partner of Expo Milano 2015, took this great opportunity to propose and provide multiple service design methods and solutions to reach audiences’ satisfaction. They developed a management IT system and structure for this showcase, while providing innovative digital services for the best user experiences.

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In such a complicate structure, integrating the requirements of the public and private stakeholders into the ecosystem is a must. Every information has to be served properly in both user’s behaviour and business point of view. Therefore, Accenture provides the Service Delivery Platform (SDP) for this event; providing system integration, analytics, mobility and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions for the greater benefit of visitors and the Expo itself. This system handles more than millions of data transactions via multiple devices and based on many criteria such as user, time and location.


SDP can be divided into 2 parts: Business services, and Visitor services. Business services, including e-Couponing and Business Intelligent Platform, help organisers and partners to create campaigns and notifications to access their targets using geolocation. Visitor services, bundled with Expo Milano 2015 Official App, help visitors learn and customise their plans through numbers of features ranging from ticket purchasing system to interactive map. The application also includes a personalised guide that allows users to use the application to interact with integrated technology in different locations within the exposition area. The application has reached more than 800,000 downloads since June 2015, fulfilling visitor’s experience inside this worldclass showcase.

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On the other hand, many countries represent their interesting service design vision inside their pavilions with the interaction using latest technology and, of course, creativity. For the examples, Japan pavilion allows you to create a list of informations that catches your interest and store it via their mobile application. Mexico pavilion also provides food and nutrition suggestion for each individual audiences based on their preference at the reception kiosk; attracting a lot of attention to the pavilion. China pavilion also proposed an idea of Bright Food Kitchen System, a smart approach to reach high quality ingredients for your meal using technology. Germany pavilion gave audience a paper receiver embeded with censors that activate once you put it on the projectors in different topics; providing great satisfaction for audiences which enjoy watching their desired topics.

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Expo Milano 2015 are scheduled to end very soon. However, with its advanced and well-designed user experience technologies and well-offering service design systems, it is advised to not miss the last two weeks of this year’s fascinating world exposition.


More references :

– Introducing SDP by Accenture :

– Japan Pavilion // Diversity : 

– Germany Pavilion : 

– Mexico Pavilion :