Yesterday our students presented their projects to a selected audience of experts at the final event of the first edition of the Service Design Lab. It was powerful and fascinating seeing how happy and interested the experts were!

2 service ideas, 4 students involved, 7 experts and more than 50 people connected. We discussed about the artisanal coffee world and the organizational well-being of health care companies.

In particular,

FLTRD, designed by Renae Elkassih and Laura Orozco, is an online marketplace and subscription service that helps users understand their unique coffee tastes, and provides recommendations giuded by the user. The goal is to help those who want to explore the world of coffee in an elegant, informative way.

EVA, designed by Claudia Altieri e Elena Colombo, is a consulting agency whose goal is the organizational well-being of health care companies and the promotion of its stakeholders’ health. Through storytelling tools and the basics of narrative medicine, the project aims to improve the company's well-being as well as the psycho-physical condition of employees and the user satisfaction.

Congratulations to our students and thanks again to H-Farm for the strategic partnership, and to the mentors and the experts for the contribution. The first edition of the Lab came at the end, and the second is going to arise. Keep in touch!