I found this two services that, for how they are designed, can help us to better understand the grade of involvement of users of Internet services.
One is Hello Bank that is a Mobile Bank (app.) provided by Bnl and Bnp group, . Thanks to the on-line platform they offer to people that use smartphones and tablets to manage their money connected by phones and chats with a team of specialists, evenings and Saturday included. Customers can create a digital money-box to save money for little projects involving friend and relatives being in touch with the social networks.
The schedule to apply to this service it’s very easy and in just 10 minutes with a web-cam recognition you are a customers; web pages are organized very well and you feel so comfortable reading their values and aims. All processes are well described and with chats you can ask infos so easily.
The second one is 23andMe that is a service where people can require their DNA test, from that you can see where your genetics come from and which kind of health you have after that you are in touch with your family tree being aware of unknown relatives.
For further informations check these websites: