Here we are at the end of students first big experience with their special client, Milan Marriott Hotel. Starting from another point of view, through User Research, Service Design can help to highlight how people needs and behaviors are changing with the passing of time. Guided by Valentina D’Addato and Marta Carrera students conducted a great User Research in order to help their client to identify opportunity areas and critical issues and transform them in a possible future scenario.

Students worked so hard for two weeks and the final result was worth it! Indeed this first workshop was strictly planned to get the most effective insights from the analysis of guests experience, from the choice of the hotel to the final check-out, and hotel reviews and people desire to go back again. Divided into groups students carefully investigated each stage of the guest experience, through Desk and Field Research, and finally visualizing data they have collected. At the end of this process each of the group identified some starting point questions that inspired them to future directions for Milan Marriott Hotel guest experience.

Thus yesterday, after two weeks of hard work on User Research, student had the opportunity to present their great results to their client, highlighting which are new needs and expectations of the Milan hotel guests and suggesting some great examples with memorable case studies.

  • From the choice of the hotel, till the check-in, students found out a growing need of being independent, tasting Italian hospitality and being recognized. Guests need their feelings to be understood and to receive personalized treatments.
  • Investigating in-room services and related experiences, another group discover that people, having little and little time to experience the city, search for personalized and planned programs; they need a way to get a seamless and omnichannel interaction for a faster service
  • People way of living and working is ever-changing and so their staying at the hotel. Another team highlighted guests need to find comfortable and quiet places for fast working, and, at the same time, the need to get personalized travel recommendations based on personal interests.
  • Finally students focused on check-out as a missed opportunity, as it should be the main chance to make a good last impressions on clients. They asked themselves these questions, among them: how might Milan Marriott Hotel turn the check-out queue in a moment to leave the last good impression on guests? How might the hotel make its guest feel welcome even after the check-out?

We are glad to worked with our special client, Milan Marriott Hotel, and proud of the good results students were able to reach!