In this blog post, Chad Vavra, an interaction design director at The Barbarian Group, gives us his 10 base rules for being a good interaction designer and making good interaction design. So here are out I considered to be the best ones of his tips, the rest you can check out at the website.

First of all, start small – if a task seems too big, start by making the connection between two things and establish their relationship and interaction, and them keep adding until it all comes together and trust that it will.

Secondly, trick people. Yes, that’s right! Trick people because that is the only way they will have the patience to endure the time technology takes to work 😉

Thirdly, keep the accessibility issues in mind and design for those who are not as able as you, for whatever reason (illness, age…)

And most of all, prototype, prototype, prototype and prototype! – showing something working is always better than saying it will work! But that we know already!

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