On the last Friday, students from the fourth edition got finally graduated.
They have concluded their internships, whithin which they have been able to test the skills aquired during the master.
As a final assignment student have been asked to analyze and re-design a service. They have presented their final work in front of the commision.

The master wants to really thank all the professors that joined our faculty, our partners and our fantastic tutor, Carla.

The 5th Edition of the Master in Service Design is going to start tomorrow and we want to welcome all new students and teachers who will join this edition.

With the aim of training skilled and capable service designers, the Master in Service Design of POLI.design - Politecnico di Milano, inaugurates its V edition with excellent partnerships.
We are really proud to announce the collaboration with Iren Group and Eataly which are some of the partners of this edition. Soon we will annuce other important collaboration with international brands.

Since 2012, the Specializing Master in Service Design works with firms and institutions operating in different service sectors and established international partnerships able to testify that process and service design provides opportunities for studies and works either for designers or firms.