We arrived at the last workshop of the year! For this and the next week the students will work under the guidance of Francesca Foglieni, Beatrice Villari and Lisa Cagnin in developing ideas for Twill, a service launched by the integrated container logistics company Maersk to improve, simplify and digitalize the shipping process for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

The workshop aims at experimenting with all the main phases of the service design process on a project commissioned by a real client. The project brief proposed by Maersk consists of envisioning new solutions useful to expand and engage the market addressed by Twill, following two main challenges:
How can Twill find and engage with the potential market base of small businesses and eventually new market segments?
What are these potential customers needs in terms of digital logistics and how can Twill answer them?
Students will be required to investigate the topic of digital logistics and related audience, mixing desk research and field research, and to reflect on two different time spans for what concerns the generation of service solutions: short-term solutions aimed at promoting the platform itself and engage new customers, and long-term solutions that would improving the platform experience according to real customer needs.

Ideas developed by four working teams will then be prototyped and an online exhibition will be set up in order to present them to the client representatives on Thursday 30. It will be two intense weeks during which the students will have the chance to practice and hone their skills in a full design process, taking in consideration inputs from a real client, time constraints and group dynamics. Let's begin with the research phase!