The Master's almost at the end of its didactic path for this year. The last workshop of this edition is co-led by Antonio Grillo, Elisa Pirola, Chaidi Gargareta and Giselle Chajin from our premium partner Tangity, along with Francesca Foglieni from the Master Board. Titled "A new service offering for KINTO - Expanding the provision of sustainable mobility", this workshop aims at experimenting all the main phases of the service design process on a project commissioned by KINTO, a company operating in the mobility market with different inclusive, sustainable, and digital service solutions. In particular, during this workshop, students will focus on concept generation and development phases on the brief proposed by the client, which consists of envisioning new solutions useful to expand the service offering of KINTO toward an increasingly sustainable mobility.

Students will be required to investigate the topic of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) with particular focus on the KINTO proposal currently available on the Italian market (KINTO Share, KINTO Go, KINTO Join) and the car dealer as a new potential provider of sustainable mobility. Ideas developed by students in the next two weeks will be prototyped and presented to the client, who will award the most promising idea with a special prize.

We'd love to thank Tangity - part of NTT DATA Design Network again for this beautiful opportunity as well as Luca Vetrone and Arianna Schillizzi from KINTO to be with us, and wish our students a nice journey for their last mile.