‘The promotion of a Responsible Game for us has always been central to our corporate strategies’ said Marco Tiso, Online Managing Director of Sisal – ‘Thanks to the use of the digital, we have been able to guarantee our customers control and protection tools. Our collaboration with the students of the Master in Service Design of POLI.design – Politecnico di Milano comes from the desire to further enrich our program of Responsible Game, exploring highly innovative solutions in order to constantly improve the effectiveness of services designed to protect our customers’.

Founded in 1945, Sisal was the first Italian company to operate in the gaming and betting industry under a government licence. Responsibility is rooted in Sisal from the beginning in fact, over the years the Company has developed this founding value in concrete programs for its consumers, its people and the communities in which it operates. The collaboration will focus on the education and training to a conscious and responsible gaming behavior, with particular attention for new users approaching the digital channels. Both Sisal and the Master Board strongly believe in the importance of the safety and playfulness of gaming, and the responsibility that the company has toward its users’ gaming behavior. That’s the reason why, during the workshop led by Enrico Tedoldi and Gabriele Demarin, our students will explore the context from the service design’s point of view and will work to generate ideas and solutions to improve the overall experience of the users.

We can’t wait to see the results of this intense workshop.