This week we had a change of knowledge with Dario Buzzini | Design Director at IDEO.Dario proposed to continue to develop services that started in a workshop “Cooking Together – eat my food, share my culture” with Luigi Brenna | CEO at Urbanizer.

In Workshop created a service concept we call Foodie with Dario validated the market for the proposed service.

We put the concept into practice in a way that we could better understand what are the real needs of people who could use this service. At the end of the process of constructing and validating takes some conclusions:

  • First of all, check that everything is working before launching
    We put our online landing page with a form to obtain information and form was in trouble and almost 90 of our page views have fixed the problem.
  • Ask good questions and be flexible
    People do not like to spend a lot of time to answer questions, take the abstract questions and immerse yourself in your business.
  •  Go to the streets
    Your customers are there. You can get information very rich face to face.
  •  Likes in Facebook don’t represent clients
    Likes on Facebook is just a way to introduce your service to an online audience, not necessarily they will be your customers.
  •  Save time
    Do not lose focus, take up a few more hours, the experience will pay off in the end.
  •  Try different ways
    Test different solutions that may also be opportunities for your business.
  •  Talk with your team
    Communication with the team should always be aligned so we do not do different paths or paths ever made.

And sometimes if English does not help, refer to Ana, our group mate, she may certainly help you.

The experience of this exchange of information with the Dario reminded me much of the process of creating and validating market for Startup Weekend –, every new service developed new experiences are acquired and improved in the next service to be created .

If you have experiences to share, let me know about.