On Monday the students of the Master in Service Design are going to learn how to design digital components for a better service experience. Claudia Busetto, Information Architect and UX Designer, will do an overview about tools and technique used in the digital UX design process and the students will start from the beginning, until the design of user interface.

During these days, the students will be introduced to the field of the User Experience with a theoretical module about what is necessary to know when we design a digital touchpoint. All the three days are based on a practical approach, so the students will be able to test and use the different tools. The main topic are the organization of the data and contents, the usability and accessibility, in order to obtain a natural flow of seamless user experience, and the importance of the contents while designing touchpoints. The students will use all the technique during the group work and they will be able to solve UX problems, identify weaknesses in the existing services, how to work with digital interfaces and at the end the prototyping phase, to test the different components of a device.