We are pleased to announce that the Municipality of Milan has given its patronage to the Master in Service Design for its 7th edition, supporting in particular the workshop that will take place next week around the themes of urban regeneration and city resilience.

The Municipality of Milan was selected as part of the program 100 Resilient Cities and started in 2015 a strategy of resilience for the city, set to be published this year. The strategy was built around 6 thematic areas – water, housing, green, circularity, safety, community – approached from 3 fundamental points of view: maintaining efficient and sustainable services and procedures; creating comfortable and flexible public and private spaces; building inclusive and active communities. At the intersection of some of the areas and these 3 pillars lies the patronage to the Master, aimed at supporting the involvement of the students in testing the strategy and making it more tangible.

The organized workshop will focus on what service design can bring to the table in an urban context in relation to the existing community, with the aim of fostering a bottom-up approach to the reactivation of unused spaces. The students will be engaged in a short research and a more structured concept generation, sharing the results of the activities on Friday with a final day of presentations.

We look forward to next week and a successful deployment of the strategy for the city of Milan!