Adapting to the emergency of these days, which requires to setup long-distance teaching, the Master Board has arranged for the lectures to be held remotely through a digital platform. It is a measure that, despite the situation, we hope allows the students to continue learning and move forward in becoming service designers.

Today’s lecture by Anna Meroni is about sharing economy principles and collaborative services. Services of this family share the common trait of being the result of co-creation and/or co-production with the beneficiaries (being them users, clients or stakeholders) and, often, have the aim of achieving a positive social impact that means producing an outcome good for the user and also for the society as a whole. Sharing services are today intrinsically connected to the concept of platform, the organizing principle that, by making new purposeful connections possible, enables forms of collaboration and exchange between the parties.

The course will thus explore sharing and collaborative services through the lenses of social innovation and considering the emerging landscape of platform economy. It will reflect on the concepts and cases that populate the galaxy of these services, and will focus on their distinctive features and mechanisms.