Out in the field!

The last workshop of the first edition of the Service Design Master began with an outing to Reggio Emilia. We visited the offices of Reggio Children,  – International Center for the Defense and Promotion of the Rights and Potentials of All Children – a leading educational international institution. Reggio Children is recognized worldwide for the Reggio Approach an educational philosophy based on the image of the child, and of human beings, as possessing strong potentials for development and as a subject of rights who learns and grows in the relationships with others1.

Visiting the place gave us the opportunity to gather first hand knowledge about the center, how it works, how people see it and also begin to identify insights that can lead to a service innovation proposition. Field work is essential for a service designer, since  it can reveal hidden information.

Not only did we have a complete tour of the center, but we also took part in the different workshops they have. It made us understand the high level of quality the Reggio Children institution has and why it is also a recognized name world wide.

We are happy to begin this new challenge and are confident that our services are going to contribute to the excellence of Reggio Children.





1. Extracted from Reggio Children

If you are interested in knowing more about Reggio Children click here