2016 it’s just started and it will be full of other exciting eperiences, projects and lectures.

Here’s a brief recap of what happened till now:
we worked on different topics, mixing theoretical classes, workshops, jam sessions and design pills.


– Service Design Theory – with Daniela Sangiorgi
– Service Innovation – with Nicola Morelli
Workshop #1 – with Vincenzo Dimaria, with Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci
Design for Social Innovation – with Ezio Manzini
Service Design Pill#1 – with Gianluca Brugnoli from Frog Design, on cashless payment methods
Service Branding – with Silvia Barbieri from FutureBrand Italia
Iterior for Services – with Michele Zini from ZPZ Partners
Service Jam#1 – with Alessandro Confalonieri from Intersezioni, with Actionaid Italia
Storytelling – with Omar Vulpirani from London College of Communication

This is just a part of the hard work that we have done (check the students’ profiles here ) during this first phase.
A new year has started, new design challenges, internationals guests and design firms are waiting to get in touch with the MSD class.

Stay tuned with Facebook and Twitter,


and happy new year!