Who suits “Service Design”?

In many countries, Service Design is quite new to the industry. Alot still don’t understand its concept, context, and benefits. Are we creating aesthetic appearance to service-based companies? Why should every market need service design experts? Last but not least, who suppose to to be understanding and practice them?


The main idea of Service Design is to apply design thinking method for the rearrangment and reorganisation of the system: both at the front (environment, staff) and at the back office (supported systems). Sometimes service designers also have to visualize this overview of the designed system into the tangible presentation. I this case, someone who has background in design should understand the basic principles of service design and visualise them beautifully. However, that doesn’t mean that others can’t pursue the understanding of service design.


Officina31, the internet marketing service studio based in Arezzo, Italy, has reviewed several materials from one of the very famous book on service design called “This is Service Design Thinking”. It suggested that people from various fields can be involved and appreciate this great method and knowledge:


Product Designer: Since design all around the world need to deal with Human Centered Design (HCD), it is essential conduct a proper research, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to support your design. In this case, product Designer who has a good experience in user analysis could figure it out easily.


Graphic Designer : Despite a broad range of practice in this design field, there are so many different graphic design branches that deals with creating and visualizing complex datas and communicate them clearly: wayfinding design, interface design, branding design, etc. Having a deep-down understanding of the back office can help you design a  well-organised and understandable design materials.


Interface Designer : Having to deal with human interactions, they must know the flow and activities of the users in order to satisfy them and offer the smooth experience while achieving the purpose of the business.


Social Design : The impact of social media in our world today have a great influences on users and consumers. In this sense, good contents and well-prepared policy dealing with consumers are very essential. These are the skills which service design method could help defining the contents that suit their audiences .


Strategic Management : Understanding and redesigning complex strategies for individual companies is another solution to creates new impacts and attracts the new market. To do this, one have to understand users’ behaviour and treat target groups wisely while making sure that the consumers received the best experience while the company gets good profit at the same time.


Operation Management : Managing people of different types in different scenarios is the big challenge that people in this field must confront. Fortunately, service design provides a great tools and technique to reach true behaviours of people. In this sense, after we understand their behaviour, we can categorise what their target will do in each situations and handle them professionally.


As you can notice, one doesn’t have to be in the design field to be engaged and understand service design principles. We are just designing understandable and clear service for human-being. In addition, our class of the 3rd edition combined students from various backgrounds: marketing, human resources, law, etc. Everyone can show their point of view from their backgrounds. This can help us explores and understand many interesting solutions in each projects.


No matter where you from, everyone can apply their own ways to create better experience in each segments using design thinking and service design tools.

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