As I tried to explain in another post, Service Design is based mainly and genuinely in people needs. Its purpose is to create more efficient, environmentally friendly and of course profitable services, through a strategic and collaborative process between the different actors involved.
Our daily experiences with Services that we received, influence significantly on our decisions.
Customers today have more needs and requirements that 10 years ago, and they don’t hesitate to speak out when they don’t like something or don’t feel it right. They are much more informed, empowered and connected clients, have active presence in social networks facilitating and speeding up communication and recommendation about products and services; It is here where the “word of mouth” takes a fundamental role on advertising and in the reputation of companies, so, as we can see, the user experience becomes a key element when we wanted to renew our offer.
But how can we achieved this? What are the characteristics of this “new way” of design?.
Is a change in the way, going from a participatory process to a collaborative one.
Focuses on the needs and in the real experiences of people.
Brings together all of the participants (who provides and who receives the service) to redesign and co – create from a common point of view. This discipline sees services as systems, re-designing the connections among people, products, policies, and processes.
Seeks differentiators (what makes you unique) to give more competitive proposals, meaning that the service starts long before and ends long after the interaction of the customer (customer journey) and involves the entire organizations and companies, requiring commitment, collaboration, and resources in all areas and levels.
In conclusion, its an strategic, sequential and collaborative process that seeks to (and should) fulfil consumer expectations, from a multidisciplinary and comprehensive look, by delivering a controlled and pleasant experience to the customers by making tangible the intangible.