The next Wednesday the students of the Master in Service Design are going to start a workshop with Eataly. Francesco Bombardi, architect and creator of the concept and design of the Officucina for the Food Innovation Program , will follow the students during the week in order to find new design opportunities and concepts. The collaboration with Eataly Smeraldo, will let the students face with real needs in order to understand the users and different specific areas of interests, such as the customers experience and the products.

The aim of the workshop is to research, collect data and visualize the information in order to find new scenarios and design services. Thanks to the research, the students will understand the system, the actors involved and they will explain the final idea through a presentation. During the week, the students will explore the context, they will be able to try the products and there will be time to do some interviews. The session about concept generation will be important in order to find new solutions to test, by using prototyping tools.

All the workshop will be so an occasion to follow the whole process, from the beginning to the end, as well as a way to understand how transform data in information useful for the project. The students are going to learn how to build a scenario, to transform data in insights and to develop a service design idea.